Developed by vets, Johnson's Easy Spot-On Wormer for Cats & Kittens is powerful spot-on dewormer that provides effective treatment for cats weighing over 1kg.
Simple, Stress-Free Application: No pills required—just apply the liquid directly onto the skin for fast and hassle-free treatment.
Broad-Spectrum Protection: Formulated with Praziquantel, this fast-acting wormer effectively targets tapeworms and other common parasites.
Long-Lasting Results: Works immediately and should be reapplied every 3 months for year-round protection.
Suitable for Kittens & Cats:
- 1 - 2.5kg: Use one tube
- 2.5 - 5kg: Use two tubes
How to Use
Part your cat’s fur and apply the contents directly onto the skin. Avoid contact between treated animals until dry.