Johnson's Vet Diarrhoea tables aids in the relief of symptoms of mild diarrhoeas for dogs and cats over 12 weeks of age.
The tablets are an aid to the relief of the symptoms of mild diarrhoeas caused by minor disorders, unsuitable food, change of diet etc. Withholding food, but not water, for 24 hours from the start of the diarrhoea may also be beneficial.
If the diarrhoea is of a watery consistency and/or contains blood, or the dog or cat is lethargic, or the dog or cat is vomiting, or the diarrhoea has not subsided within 24 to 48 hours, then it is important to consult a Veterinary Surgeon promptly.
Consult a veterinary surgeon if the puppy or kitten is less than 12 weeks of age.